Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Aspirant!

Sorry that I haven't made a post in so long! I have been planning on doing so for weeks especially after the fictional crush lists. Sigh. I love them all. (Side note: last night, Adam was helping me clean our apartment because my parents were coming to stay, and his hair got really spikey, and for a moment he looked like Angel. I really liked it). Anyway, today I realized that a very important person was born in June, the very person who created this blog. Here are the top six reasons I just adore her (in no particular order):

1) She taught me political correctness.
2) She's a fiercely loyal friend - especially when it came to the, unfortunately numerous, jerky guys I used to date.
3) She has a romantic soul coupled with a sharp mind.
4) She has the most dazzling smile of anyone I know!
5) She's interested in everything, and is constantly learning.
6) I will never tire of her imitation of Lis when she fell down in front of the blue condo one morning before school!

Here's to the baby of the bunch! Hope your day is great!


Unknown said...

Thank you very much for the beautiful tribute. I deserve it!! :)

It was my first birthday alone since I've been married. It was sad but turned out ok. It was even better when I got to hear from all of you!!