Saturday, March 29, 2008

One Missing Element

Here is a shot of Little Man joining and participating in the blog adventure. We can't forget him. He has been with us through it all. It is nice to have a man we can all share.
Oh, speaking of men to share. I saw a reference to one Mr. Bell is the Church News. Who knew he could play Dodge ball so well?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I knew the aspirant would not let us down. The layout of the blog looks fab. Way to go! The only thing it could possible need would be pictures of us in front of BCW from back in the day. No biggy though.

I think this would be a great forum to share thoughts on any topic...books, movies, boys, food, tv shows, funny anecdotes etc. I will start by saying that I think Heidi on the Hills looked so funny this week. Her lips were a bit too obvious--of course Colorado would be the perfect excuse for some cosmetic enhancement. If you don't/didn't see the Hills this week you missed out on some sweet Parisian moments and European men in the their tight pants and Bob Dylanesque hairdos (weird that I was attracted to them?)
Next post will be much more intellectually stimulating. I promise.

Has it really been 8 years?

It's seriously embarrassing when I reveal that it's been eight years since I last worked on the Hill. It was eight years ago that I left Washington, DC and headed back to Provo to finish school. It was eight years ago that life truly began!

Who knew that four people would fall in love so fast - especially if they were room roommates? Some said we'd never make it past college but who is laughing now? All of us - especially when we're all together!!