Sunday, April 13, 2008

Park Memories

To one who has been long in city pent,
'Tis very sweet to look into the fair
And open face of heaven - to breathe a prayer
Full in the smile of the blue firmament.
Who is more happy, when, with heart's content,
Fatigued he sinks into some pleasant lair
Of wavy grass, and reads a debonair
And gentle tale of love and languishment?

I made Adam go to the park with me yesterday as it was really the first warm day we've had so far this year. I wanted to go to Sugar House, to the usual spot, but we got a late start, and had to settle for somewhere in Sandy. As I sat and read my book, I couldn't help but think of all of the sunny afternoons I've spent with you ladies, reading and chatting and sun bathing. I remember the Sunday afternoons when Abby and Lis and I would sneak over to Vaughn's and get a soda and then go to this grassy spot by an elementary school and enjoy the spring/summer weather (Kimmers, I think you were on your mssion or with your folks in DC). I remember being all together in Sugar House Park discussing someone's most recent break up and reading magazines. Remember the time we used the pants I had in my car because we didn't have a blanket? Yesterday, Adam was reading Keats (he's kind of a poetry guy sometimes:) while I read something much more frivolous, and he read the above passage to me. That is how I always feel when it finally gets warm enough to go to the park and I thought I'd share it. Adam was great company, but I missed and thought of you all!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring, Spring, Spring

Can't you just imagine me frolicking with the animals on W's dad's ranch, just like they did in "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"? Of course I'd be wearing heels and a skirt.

There's something about the first signs of Spring that just make me giddy! I want to skip and run and grab a stranger and force him/her to twirl in a circle with me. I'd really like to start wearing Spring clothes but the Washington weather has not allowed me to do so. Curse my coat, scarf, and umbrella!

One interesting part of Spring is that I want to start listening to girly music. I have memories from high school, riding in a friend's car at lunch listening to Mariah Carey's Always be my Baby full blast. There's something about warm weather, driving in your car, and listening to R&B or rap and feeling cool and carefree. Maybe I just wish I was still a teenager or in college. I really need to come to grips with reality!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Is it 3 o'clock yet?

So I've got a secret. Every workday, when it hits 3 o'clock, I switch my TV to GH. I will watch the clock in the corner of my computer, counting down the hours and minutes until my special show is on. I don't even turn on the sound. Just looking over my shoulder briefly to see Sonny, Jason, Jax (remember when he slid his tongue...), and Carly calms my soul and allows me to make it through the next few hours of work and my grim commute home.

Once, I had a dream that I lived in the GH world. I have to admit that I wouldn't mind always wearing designer threads and walking from place to place to create drama. I'd really like that life. To be honest, who wouldn't?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

This is exciting - my very first blog post EVER!!! I know I am late to the game - but if there is ever a worthy reason to start blogging, its to stay in touch with my lovely BCW ladies. Unfortunately, I think it will take me a while to feel like my insignificant thoughts are worth posting. I feel like anything I memorialize has to be either (i) funny or (ii) meaningful. And sadly, I have never been clever and lately my thoughts have been rather superficial. Sooo - you all will have to be patient with me and my blabbering posts, and hopefully one of these days I will write something worth reading!

Going karaoking tomorrow. One of my favorite activities. I can't believe that of all things, we have never done that together. I say that is on the agenda for our next BCW reunion.